As if it hasn't been hammered home enough: monads don't
commute. But what does that mean, practically? Most of the
well-behaved ones like Reader
, State
, Maybe
, and Except
kind of
work when you change them around (though you will find things like
StateT s (Except e)
and ExceptT e (State s)
have distinct flavors). However, some monads are so weird that
rearranging them doesn't do anything close to what you think they should
do. It's too easy to break scoped effects like local
) if you compose the wrong way with
. (I think the same holds true for any list
transformer.) Here's an example:
module NoCommute where
import Control.Monad.Logic (Logic, LogicT (..), MonadLogic (..),
observeAll, observeAllT, observeMany, observeManyT)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, ReaderT (..), MonadReader (..), runReader)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Data.List (unfoldr)
-- | Search monad with reader on the outside and logic on the inside
newtype RL r a = RL { unRL :: ReaderT r Logic a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
Alternative, MonadLogic, MonadReader r)
-- | Compute all results at once
runRL :: RL r a -> r -> [a]
runRL m r = observeAll (runReaderT (unRL m) r)
unconsRL :: RL r a -> r -> Maybe (a, RL r a)
unconsRL m r =
case observeMany 1 (runReaderT (unRL (msplit m)) r) of
[] -> Nothing
ma : _ -> ma
-- | Compute results incrementally
unfoldRL :: RL r a -> r -> [a]
unfoldRL mStart r = unfoldr (`unconsRL` r) mStart
-- | Search monad with logic on the outside and reader on the inside
newtype LR r a = LR { unLR :: LogicT (Reader r) a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad,
Alternative, MonadLogic, MonadReader r)
runLR :: LR r a -> r -> [a]
runLR m r = runReader (observeAllT (unLR m)) r
unconsLR :: LR r a -> r -> Maybe (a, LR r a)
unconsLR m r = case runReader (observeManyT 1 (unLR (msplit m))) r of
[] -> Nothing
ma : _ -> ma
unfoldLR :: LR r a -> r -> [a]
unfoldLR mStart r = unfoldr (`unconsLR` r) mStart
-- | A simple test: increment a local counter and yield it twice
test :: (MonadReader Int m, Alternative m) => m Int
test = local (+1) (ask <|> ask)
-- | Results:
-- RL run [1,1]
-- RL unfold [1,1]
-- LR run [1,0]
-- LR unfold [1,0]
runTest :: IO ()
runTest = do
putStr "RL run "
print (runRL test 0)
putStr "RL unfold "
print (unfoldRL test 0)
putStr "LR run "
print (runLR test 0)
putStr "LR unfold "
print (unfoldLR test 0)
behaves well, with each branch observing the
environment under the local (+1)
scope, but I can't justify
the behavior of LR
. The first result is scoped, but the
second resumes with the original environment. If it yields such
unintuitive behavior as this, I think the MonadReader
instance for LogicT
should be removed altogether.
I'm sure there are papers to read about the weirdness of effects with scoping constructs...