is a great monad transformer for backtracking control, but if you just
layer with a State
monad, you won't backtrack state. To fix
that, you can save part of the state at every choice point
or interleave
), and reset it when
retrying alternative branches. However, you have to be careful to not
break the msplit
(msplit m >>= reflect = m
). Here's one example of how
to do it "right."
module BacktrackingStateSearch
( TrackSt (..)
, Track
, observeManyTrack
, runManyTrack
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Monad.Logic (LogicT, MonadLogic (..), observeManyT)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState (..), State, gets, modify', runState)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
-- | Backtracking state - the x component goes forward, the y component backtracks
-- All mentions of state below are really about the backtracking state component.
-- The forward state component is pretty boring.
data TrackSt x y = TrackSt
{ tsFwd :: !x
, tsBwd :: !y
} deriving stock (Eq, Show)
-- | Backtracking search monad. Take care not to expose the constructor!
-- The major issue with backtracking is that the final state is that of
-- the last branch that has executed. In order for the 'msplit' law to hold
-- (`msplit m >>= reflect = m`) we have to ensure that the same state
-- is observable on all exit points. Basically the only way to do this is to
-- not make the state visible at all externally, which requires that we
-- protect the constructor here and only allow elimination of this type
-- with 'observeManyTrack', which resets the state for us.
newtype Track x y a = Track { unTrack :: LogicT (State (TrackSt x y)) a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState (TrackSt x y))
-- | Wraps logict's 'observeManyT' and forces us to 'reset' the backtracking state.
observeManyTrack :: Int -> Track x y a -> State (TrackSt x y) [a]
observeManyTrack n = observeManyT n . unTrack . reset
-- | A nicer way to run the search.
runManyTrack :: Int -> Track x y a -> TrackSt x y -> ([a], TrackSt x y)
runManyTrack n m = runState (observeManyTrack n m)
-- | At many points below we'll need to restore a saved state before
-- continuing the search.
restore :: y -> Track x y a -> Track x y a
restore saved x = modify' (\st -> st { tsBwd = saved }) *> x
-- | Restores the backtracked state after all results have been enumerated.
finalize :: y -> Track x y a -> Track x y a
finalize saved x = Track (unTrack x <|> unTrack (restore saved empty))
-- | Ensures the backtrack state is returned to the current state.
-- This is run on the outside of the search so the backtracked state is
-- not externally observable.
reset :: Track x y a -> Track x y a
reset x = do
saved <- gets tsBwd
finalize saved x
instance Alternative (Track x y) where
empty = Track empty
x <|> y = do
saved <- gets tsBwd
-- Restore the current state before going down the right branch.
Track (unTrack x <|> unTrack (restore saved y))
instance MonadLogic (Track x y) where
msplit x = Track (fmap (fmap (second Track)) (msplit (unTrack x)))
interleave x y = do
saved <- gets tsBwd
-- Again restore the current state before going down the right branch.
Track (interleave (unTrack x) (unTrack (restore saved y)))
Happy searching!